Wednesday, March 20, 2013

CAN Live in Berlin 1972

*Original Notes*

My original remaster (to mono) used the best sounding of 3 different previous Dime posts. The recent posting of 
new sources 1 & 2 caused me to check and both are slightly better sounding, source 1 being the best, although 
again they were also mono sources with possibly a little "fake stereo enhancement" somewhere in the lineage and
both with the right channel being the best quality, so I did the remastering above to combine the best of all 
the sources and am very pleased with result.

Now you can hear Can at their true majestic best, with Damo in especially good form, and now in significantly 
improved sound quality...

...Hope you like it too !!

Quality: A for the recording, EX for the performance and historic vintage

Set List (73.42)
01 - Entropy (19:00)
02 - Improv > Vitamin C (21.02)
03 - Bring me coffee or tea (9.08)
04 - Mother Sky (11.53)
05 - Peking O (4.03) >
06 - Spoon (8.33)

Set list is as in the Source 3 post and appears to be more substantially correct than the Mother Sky artwork, 
which I've included and would be grateful if any of the Dime Artmeisters can update it.


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